Tri-Cities location a success for Washington Potato Conference

Tri-Cities location a success for Washington Potato Conference

Farm and Ranch January 30, 2009 The 2009 Washington State Potato Conference and Trade is now history. And it appears moving the event from Moses Lake to the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick was a huge success. Karen Bonaudi, assistant executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission is also a conference board member. Bonaudi: "The potato conference board was really happen with the outcome. We are still pulling together the numbers, you know our budget numbers, our attendance numbers. We are still sorting all that out but we know on a qualitative basis people were very, very happy both with the new location and the content." Producer Bart Connors, who is also the chair of the U.S. Potato Board, thought the conference location was an exciting change. Connors: "I think the venue they have here in the Tri-Cities area is extremely nice and is a good spot to get everything under one roof. I think there was a lot of good contacts with a lot of good growers from the area who came in and I thought the speakers and the show were really well attended and put together well." The 2010 conference will also be in Kennewick at the Three Rivers Convention Center. Bonaudi says that will start Tuesday January 26th so Monday can be a move in day. That's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report. Brought to you in part by the Washington State Potato Commission. Nutrition today! Good health tomorrow! I'm Bob Hoff on the Northwest Ag Information Network.

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