01/06/06 AuxiGro, yield, and quality

01/06/06 AuxiGro, yield, and quality

The theory that is the basis for the fruit growth regulator marketed as AuxiGro has been around since the 1940's. But it wasn't until the 1990's that scientists unlocked the key to trigger the plant's natural acids that start up stress response mechanisms. BEAVER: And then we put what we call the sustaining complex in with them, and that is what's patented and that is what our trade secret is, and that creates the plant to then except this added glutamic acid and g.a.v.a,, and then the plant starts producing itself. Bob Beaver markets AuxiGro for parent company EmeraldBio in the Northwest. And he says the results of the product, which become available commercially last year, are beneficial to say the least. BEAVER: What those results tend to be as far as in tree fruit we see size enhancement, we see color enhancement, we tend to see a better brick level in the plant, which is sweeter tasty type of juices in the plant. And in many cases we'll see firmness and ability for in apples as an example some better storage and better pack-out opportunities from it. Beaver also sees AuxiGro's benefits really enhancing cherry varieties as well. BEAVER: We are also bringing quality into play. When we look at cherries, the Japanese and Taiwan and all those areas are very particular what they want and (the) better we can do at providing what they want, then that just enhances our opportunity to sell the product.
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