Health and the Pink Lady

Health and the Pink Lady

Health and the Pink Lady. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Alan Taylor is passionate about his Pink Lady® and their new ad campaign ‘Take A Pink Lady® For A Walk.’

TAYLOR: I think the Pink Lady® is looked at as more special than some other apples because it has the qualities that take it from beginning to the end as far as being great at eating it out of hand or putting it in a dessert. It’s got all the qualities that people get excited about and that pink color which makes it unique and the sweet/tart flavor that goes along with it.

You might not think of desserts as being healthy but Taylor says they can be.

TAYLOR: That’s one of the things that we promoted for Valentine’s Day with Bob’s Red Mill a gluten free dessert and we had a great success with that as well. When you are trying to move a crop of apples, anything that’s going to move more of the crop, it’s something you really devote your time to as a marketer.

If you haven’t seen a Pink Lady® apple at the store, be sure and ask. Taylor says the crop was down just a bit this last year.

TAYLOR: Last year was a record volume for us so we still have a substantial crop and the movement of it has been very, very good. The movement of all apples has seen a good year despite a really good national crop we’re vey happy with Pink Lady® movement and apples in general. Consumers are stepping up now and looking for things that are healthy. The junk food folks had better look out.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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