Felony DUI & USDA StrikeForce

Felony DUI & USDA StrikeForce

Felony DUI & USDA StrikeForce plus Food Forethought. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.

Washington State wants to get tough on drivers under the influence. A Senate panel is looking at making a DUI a felony when the driver has three prior offenses within 10 years. Currently, a DUI is a felony only if there are four or more prior offenses within 10 years. The idea was considered last year but deemed too expensive. A number of fatal car crashes involving alcohol have caused reconsideration of the measure.

The Agriculture Department is expanding its program to focus help to poverty stricken communities. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says it's called StrikeForce.

VILSACK: What we wanted to do was to provide a focused, comprehensive, coordinated effort within USDA programs to try to address the causes of persistent poverty and so we want to add that to the StrikeForce family and what this will mean is that the state agencies - the Farm Service Agency, the conservation folks, the rural development folks that work for USDA - we'll work collaboratively together with community building organizations in selected areas where we know persistent poverty exists.

Now with today's Food Forethought, here's Lacy Gray.

A family member has recently made the choice to eat a primarily vegetarian diet. The decision was brought about by a health scare that threatened surgery. While this family member was told that they might be able to control the issue by reducing meat in their diet and increasing fresh fruits and vegetables, they found it easier to just eat mainly vegetarian fare. This can prove a challenge at times for this individual and their other family members, but they seem to be up to the challenge. Thankfully, the USDA MyPlate website offers numerous guidelines on special diets and how to make sure you get all the daily recommended nutrients. The site shows that protein sources for vegetarians include nuts, soy products, beans, lentils and rice. For a modified vegetarian diet, such as our family member has chosen, milk and egg products can be added as good sources of protein as well. The MyPlate website also provides a printable ten tips Nutrition Education Series on healthy eating for vegetarians. For more information on a vegetarian eating pattern visit www.choosemyplate.gov.

Thanks Lacy. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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