Delisting Yellowstone Grizz's

Delisting Yellowstone Grizz's

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Idaho Fish and Game spokesperson Mike Keckler talked with me about the de-listed grizzly population in Yellowstone. "The federal government has announced that this particular grizzly bear population, the greater Yellowstone population will be delisted and this is a good thing. This is an amazing conservation story. Considering in 1975 there were barely 100 bears and now we have over 700, it is quite remarkable what is occurred over that period of time. But isn't 700 a relatively small population? Things happen. Sometimes they can be killed by other bears, sometimes they get hit by cars and occasionally one has to be taken out if it's involved in attacks on humans. It's all part of what is called the overall mortality that affect grizzly bears. They are watched, most of them have collars on them, they know how many are out there and they have been studying them for some time. Other populations like the Selkirk population in the Panhandle of North Idaho, this does not affect them in any way or the populations in Montana. This is just this particular population, the greater Yellowstone grizzly bear population.
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