6-1 SS Conservation

6-1 SS Conservation

As you probably know, if you are a regular listener to this program, Josh Mills loves to fish. Make that any kind of fishing with an emphasis on fly fishing. But something else you must know about Josh is that he is totally ethical when it comes to his passion. What’s this going to be a sermon? The answer is no. But Josh has thoughts about conservation. This is David Sparks and Sportsman’s Spotlight is next. “Something on the conservation and is that you want to pay attention to what you are eating in restaurants. Are you eating things that are part of an endangered species act list? In the Seattle area there are still restaurants that serve wild steelhead. These are coming from Olympic Peninsula rivers that have not reached their escapement goals meaning the amount that are necessary for propagating the necessary numbers for the next year. The tribes have the ability to go and net and nets do not have the ability to discern between a hatchery fish and a wild fish. So if you see wild steelhead on the menu at any  restaurant please inform them about why that is a bad idea. These rivers are our last stronghold for really amazing wild steelhead but still because of netting and poor management practices we are not making our escapement goals. Some areas where you can get more information is the native fish society, just do a Google search, another is the wild steelhead coalition and then the Osprey steelhead news, you can find all of these with basic Google searches and they will have form letters that you can send off to the restaurants and places that are still serving this.

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