09/13/05 Fruit industry helps Katrina victims

09/13/05 Fruit industry helps Katrina victims

Americans from all walks of life have stepped up in efforts to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina. That has included our region's tree fruit industry which has provided aid both as individual members, and in one case, a joint effort, as explained by Jennifer Whitherbee of the Washington Apple Education Foundation. WHITHERBEE: Keith Mathews who works for L and M in Selah is the one who spearheaded the effort. And he got in contact with the Yakima Valley Grower Shippers Association and the Wenatchee Valley Traffic Association. And those two groups sent out notices to their members. And members were very quick to respond with donating fresh apples and fresh apple slices. Add a couple of large trucks that joined two others from previous efforts, and last week the goods were taken to a Mississippi school which has been converted as a food distribution center and warehouse in the aftermath of the storm. Asked if the tree fruit industry is up for providing more aid to Katrina victims, and Whitherbee says that is a definite possibility. WHITHERBEE: Certainly it's something the industry has done before when they've seen that need, and there are some apples that have already made it down in the hard hit areas and have already been distributed, but I suspect if things continue, and people are not as able to rebound as quickly as they hoped they will, it could be something the industry feels like they need to do again.
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