What EPA Transparency Sounds Like

What EPA Transparency Sounds Like

I watched yesterday’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing concerning the EPA’s responsibility of the August mine waste spill in the Animas River. I saw about half of the nearly five hour hearing.
Colorado Congressman Scott Tipton asked very pointed questions of Administrator McCarthy. One concerned the letter that a delegation of U.S. House members sent addressed to her and you will hear her responding to him in this audio clip
Tipton: “Miss McCarthy you’d recently stated on August 15th, that we are going to be fully accountably for this in a transparent way. YES SIR. That was your quote. Just as a follow up — we’d sent you a letter to you on August 15th signed by 29 other members listing out specific questions regarding the spill. When can we expect an answer? You have yet to respond. UM, I UH I WILL — I’M SORRY WHEN DO YOU SAY YOU SEND THAT? August 15th. OKAY I’LL DOUBLE CHECK AND GET YOU A TENTATIVE DATE.”
Repeatedly Administrator McCarthy spoke of transparency and accountability. However, in the second panel, there was instance after instance of how EPA choose to put off requests and not share information.
If you are interested in listening to this oh so fascinating hearing — go to https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/epas-animus-spill/ or see the link to that website on The Ag Information Network’s Facebook page.


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