Sage Grouse Issues

Sage Grouse Issues

Sage Grouse Issues. I’m Greg Martin with Lacy Gray for Colorado Ag Today.

The sage grouse has sure caused it’s fair share of headaches for both the federal government and the ag community. There have been some very aggressive measure and efforts in order to keep it off the Endangered Species List.

GRAY: Most people agree that keeping it off the list would be preferable since a listing would have a major impact on a lot of things including mining, agriculture, logging, oil and gas exploration, rights of way, electricity transmission lines and recreation.

MARTIN: Sage grouse are ground dwelling birds and that’s what’s causing problems for farmers and ranchers especially. That and the fact that they call home to most western U.S. states including Colorado. The Western Governors’ Association have released the 2014 Sage-Grouse Inventory, highlighting the effective conservation work undertaken by public, private and non-governmental groups during the past year across the 11-state range of the greater sage-grouse.

GRAY: Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, co-chair of the Sage Grouse Task Force, which includes designees from western states and federal agencies said quote: ”Governors believe that a listing of the greater sage-grouse by the Fish and Wildlife Service would diminish the amount of conservation work undertaken and have a significant, negative economic impact across the West."

MARTIN: Another issue is the explosion of the common raven and the encroachment of pinyon and juniper which afford the ravens a better view of sage grouse nests and their eggs. Mitigation efforts include removal of the pinyon and juniper.

And that’s Colorado Ag Today. I’m Greg Martin, thanks for listening on the Ag Information Network of the West.

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